Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Freb Bobich, Len Salmela, Brad Miller, Paul Kaspszak, Scott Domagalski
- 9:35 – Meeting called to order.
- 9:40 – Reviewed and approved Annual Meeting minutes.
- 9:45 – Fred covered year-end financials. Investment balance is down $18,000 due to bad year in the market. Board made decision to stay the course with investment portfolio. Rental income was steady in 2022, however utility costs were up. Looking forward to 2023, currently have $29,000 in unpaid annual dues, $21,000 of this is greater than 90 days. We have some owner with multiple years of unpaid dues. Fred has agreed to put report together on back dues so that board can take further action on clearing/collecting the back dues. Fred will also consult attorney on whether association can reclaim weeks that are unpaid and contact with owner is not possible.
- 10:15 – Budget Approved.
- 10:15 – Maintenance discussion. There are 2 Fireplaces which need replacement, all fireplaces are in poor shape. Motion was made and approved to release $10,000 in 2023 to replace the 2 that need replacement.
- 10:30 – Annual meeting date was set for Thursday May 18 th , 2023 @7:00PM via Zoom. Next board meeting set for April 5 th , 2023 @ 7:00PM via Zoom.
- 10:33 – Discussed whether association would facilitate owner swaps, will require further discussion.
- 10:35 – Motion to adjourn approved.
W1 – Hank Hanten, Gary Hughes, Tim Lien. Len Samela, Mike Willett, Paul Kaspszak
W2 – Mike Harrison, Joe Schneider, David Ramsey, David Tiffin
John Vchulek (SW1)
- Meeting called to order by Mike Harrison at 3PM
- Approval of the May 15, 2020 Board Mtg. Minutes: Hank Moved approval, David 2nd and all approved.
- Financials, Dues & Budgets – David presented well thought out projections of the financial positions of both associations. He reported that the reserves (Investments + Savings + Checking) are adequate in the short term, but the boards need to revisit the estimated future costs and potential timing of septic system & parking lot replacements.SW2 just installed a septic system at a cost of over $85,000 that services 8 units. Both associations have approximately 9-10 units that still function on systems installed back in the early 80’s. With more accurate estimates there needs to be a discussion around the current dues structure and whether they are adequate to meet future needs. If projected reserves won’t meet projected needs then dues need to be raised accordingly or use special assessments as the need arises. Fred was asked to provide the board with updated estimates on septic, parking lot and Painting to David well before the next meeting in the Spring. The boards agreed to devote a significant amount at their Spring meeting and present their findings to the owners at the 2021 annual meeting.
- Association Dues A/R – Fred was instructed to start the collection process on an overdue account.
- Edward Jones Report – Hank reported no significant change in either SW 1 or SW 2 accounts. As expected, the market continues to fluctuate but on average both accounts are up slightly over 2019 at the end of October. SW 1 has a balance of $140,785 and SW2 a balance of $141,359.
- Hawk Construction Update – Fred reported that Hawk Construction completed the touch up painting of the 100-106 complex and is in the process of replacing a window in unit 104. Based on the cost to touch-up the paint on the 100-106 complex, both associations are looking for a bid to do all complexes next spring. On the SW2 side they have ordered the replacement 11 rotting door jams. This should be completed within the next 2-3 weeks. Sugarwood 2 has asked Hawk to do damage control on the remaining door jams and paint all exterior doors next spring.
- Resort Update – Fred reported that they have gone into a complete shut down that began on October 1st with dramatic layoffs. This shut down is expected to last through April.
- Other: Mike Harrison has announced his intention to leave the board of SW2 as of the annual meeting this spring.
- Adjourn Meeting: Mike adjourned the meeting at 4PM.
Attendance: Len Samela, Mike Willett, Paul Kaspszak
- Approved December 2019 Minutes
- Approved enclosed 2020 EW Rules & Regulations
- Approved hardship requests of Sherven and Hesterburg. Conditions of 2020 EW Rules & Regulations 4.5, including 2020 Maintenance Fees if not already paid.
Fred to notify appropriate parties. - Credit Card Processing
- Approved using Square for EW credit card processing.
- Approved charging 4% service fee to EW credit card transaction
- Len to work with Fred and Jennifer to create a Member Rental Program rate sheet including prices and timeframes.
- Paul is continuing website development research.
- Sugarwood association Edward Jones accounts were reviewed. Len will explore modifying our portfolio mix in a month, with consideration of Coronavirus impact to China’s economy and ultimately the United States Stock market.
- Mike indicated he will not be running for re-election at the 2020 annual meeting. Mike and Len will reach out to possible candidates. All members are encouraged to consider serving.
- EW Annual Meeting will be held April 18, 11 AM, at the Roseville Doubletree hotel.
- Fireplace replacement was approved In January by email vote, including switch to natural gas.
Attendance: Len Samela, Mike Willett, Paul Kaspszak, Fred Bobich available by phone
- The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.
- The April 2019 meeting minutes were not available.
- The November 2019 YTD financials were reviewed with Fred and approved.
- The Edward Jones information was reviewed and it was decided to maintain this account.
- Delinquent maintenance Fees were reviewed. There are 144 owners of 166 weeks. There are 3 owners in arrears on their maintenance fees. That equates to $91,300 in fees for 2020. Down from $96,000 in 2019, $99,000 in 2018 and $102,000 in 2017.
- While members can currently pay for maintenance fees with a credit card through the Resort reservation department, it is logistically inefficient. Therefore, credit card processing alternatives will be explored.
- A new pricing structure for sale of association weeks was created and attached.
- The management & service agreement with the Resort was approved.
- The Resort plans to ban the use of scooters and 4 wheelers from the property. These have become a danger and annoyance.
- The resort now offers a shuttle service.
- Meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Kaspszak
Acting Secretary
Annual Meeting Minutes
- 7:00 – Meeting called to order.
- 7:05 – Discussion on owner fees for returning their week(s) to the association.
- 7:10 – Discussion on maintenance, all units are in good order, a few countertops have been “scorched” due to hot pans placed on them, although no need to replace.
- 7:15 – Fred present financials. Open discussion on expenses, investments, no action needs to be taken.
- 7:30 – Len reports that a letter will be sent out requesting updated email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses.
- 7:35 – Fred provides resort update. Pool renovation is in progress, slowed by late spring. Hoping that it will be complete by July 1st.
- 7:40 – Election of Directors. Len nominated by Paul, 2nd by Brad and approved by all.
- 7:45 – Meeting Adjourned.
- Meeting called to order at 10:03AM and quorum declared.
- Approved April 18, 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes.
- Budget was reviewed and questions answered concerning Sugarwood dues, housekeeping and insurance. Budget approved.
- The website is up and running:
- Reviewed Hardship buy-back program rationale and activities. The board was very strategic in development.
- Reviewed rental activity and credit card fees.
- Fred provided a resort update.
- Scott Domagalski was elected as a director with a 2024 expiration term.
- Owners requested the 2022 annual meeting be conducted via Zoom.
- Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Kaspszak
VP & Acting Secretary